But, then Mommy wanted a picture of me in his lap, and Daddy kept telling me to tell Santa what I wanted for Christmas, and well...
I did give him a high five once I was safely back in Daddy's arms...
I loved their backyard, I had to go exploring through the rocks and streams, I even found some moose!
I took a break from my exploring to sit on a bench with Runo, I liked him, he made me laugh!
He even taught me how to play the piano!
Can't wait to see them all again!
Here is a view from our seats
I also went to the doctor for my 2 year checkup - I only had one shot which wasn't so bad. I am now 3 feet tall and weigh 27.8 lbs! WOW!!
How do they look??? We did a kitty and a witch. I love to take the tops off and put them back on!
Here they are all lit up!
Helping Bibi scoop the pumpkin slime!!!
After I helped scrape it out, I stuck my head inside and yelled "Hellllllooooo!!" I loved how it echoed!
Looks GREAT!!!